Welcome to Lyddington Village Hall

Only £12 an hour if you live in Lyddington.

Available for all to hire for parties, dinners and events.

Well equipped kitchen and modern facilities.

An ideal and affordable venue for family and community events.


Lyddington Village Hall

Lyddington Village Hall is an attractive ironstone building situated in the centre of the village and was previously the village school built in 1874. It is used for Keep Fit and Pilates as well as The Lyddington Manor History Society, Weekly table tennis. and Parish Council meetings. It is also very popular with families, young and old, for private parties and celebrations.  The Hall has excellent facilities. The kitchen is spacious with modern equipment. Male, female and disabled toilets are pleasant and hygienic. The hall itself is beautifully decorated with a modern heating system, and controllable lighting so you can create the mood you want. It meets D.D.A. guidelines with a toilet for the disabled and has wheelchair access.

You can find the Village Hall in Main Street almost opposite Church Lane. You can find out what is happening in Lyddington Village Hall by going to our Village Hall Calendar. 

LYDDINGTON VILLAGE HALL Registered Charity Number 508736

Lyddington Village Hall is connected to broadband

provided by the Gigaclear Community Hub Scheme.

 This provides free super fast broadband for all hall users.


Website and Domain hosting supported by names.co.uk

Booking and prices

Our booking rates are very attractive. 

Please contact our bookings trustee, Christine Westwood to discuss booking the hall.

Use our contact form

Phone: 01572 822299

Mobile: 07816 447096


Our rates are listed below.

Our hall hire rates include the use of all tables, chairs and equipment:

  • General use by village residents £12 per hour

  • General use by non-village residents £20 per hour

  • Regular weekly lets, commercial £12 per hour

  • Regular resident's monthly meetings £10 per hour

  • Events raising funds for charities £7.50 per hour

  • Parochial Church Council, in line with our trust deed, at cost

  • Use of toilets only £10 per hour during external function - if required for an extended period, extra hours must be booked.

         An extra charge will be made.

  • Use of video projector (Please ask about training before hiring the projector and charge.)

Our rates are based on users cleaning up after using the hall and keeping doors and windows closed when the heating is on.

If you want to arrange a cleaner after your event please ask when you make your booking.

User guide


  How do the lights work?

> The main controls are on the large panel by the entrance to the main hall

> To turn the lights on and off use the top row switches

> To dim the lights, press and hold the related bottom row switches on the same panel. The switch in the main hall by the door to the corridor, dims the furthest two sets of hall lights.

> On the smaller panel - the left-hand switch controls the external porch light

 - the other switch should be left down as it controls the external flood light

>Toilets lights are automatic 

> Electrical fuses and isolator switches are in the cupboard left of the door to the corridor

What do I do if it is too cold?

- Check the radiator thermostats are set to 5, fully on

- Check the thermostat in the corridor is set to 15

- Press the + override button on the hall thermostat once for each one degree rise in temperature you want

What do I do if it’s too hot?

- Press the - over ride button on the hall thermostat once for each one degree decrease in temperature you want

How do I operate the kitchen equipment?

- User manuals for cooker, dishwasher and fridge are in the middle drawer in the kitchen

What do I do when I leave the hall?

1) Clean all kitchen surfaces and oven if used

2) Remove food from fridge/freezer

3) Empty bins

4) Make sure toilets are clean

5) Put all chairs and tables back in storage

6) Wet mop toilets, kitchen floors if necessary

7) Dry mop (Using large floor mop) hall and corridor floors

8) Check to make sure thermostat in the corridor is set to 15, all radiator valves are at 5 - (if you have altered them) and windows are closed.

9) Switch off all lights (except the automatic exterior light)

10) Lock all external doors


Contact us

Please complete and send a booking request or phone our booking trustee on 01572 82229  or 07816 447096

Personal information is only used for the purpose of booking and billing



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